Friday, January 1, 2021

Day 1: It's kind of fun to do the impossible.-- Walt Disney


It's kind of fun to do the impossible.-- Walt Disney

Today's quote comes to us directly from Walt Disney himself. It is one of my favorite quotes of his. He had a way of making the impossible possible. 

Have you ever been told something was impossible to do or to make? Perhaps you've told someone what they were thinking of doing is impossible. I can't tell you how many times I've been told something's impossible and made it happen over the years. From getting $300 worth of groceries onto a cart that was 40 inches or so tall, about 24 inches wide and about 30 inches long with 2 tiers  and not breaking a single egg to getting my own blog and YouTube channel up and going to fitting boxes in my cart at work that don't seem to fit, they say something is impossible, chances are I'm going to make it possible, all thanks to this quote from Walt. 

Walt was onto something when he said this quote. It's not always about the destination (or the finished product) but its the journey to get there and beyond. Walt had a lot of naysayers, especially when it came to animation. In fact, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt's first full length animated feature, was called "Walt's Folly" because no one believed grown adults would sit through a cartoon as long as a live action movie in the 1930s. Little did they know, Walt would prove them wrong and would go on to lay the firm foundation of a media empire that would last over a century. As of this post The Walt Disney Company is almost 98 years old. It turns 100 in 2023. Sadly Walt passed away in 1966, 43 years after The Disney Brothers Studio was founded. Over the course of his life, Walt created many things that seemed impossible to do for the times. He and his team of Imagineers and Animators created so many worlds and films that are technological marvels for the time. Not everyone had TVs and electricity back then so anything that was in the realm of technology or moving pictures was impossible to do. Walt had the knack for making impossible things a reality, such as synchronized sound with cartoons (Steamboat Willie) or making audio-animatronics (The Enchanted Tiki Room birds). He never let the naysayers and the "It's impossible" sayers get him down. He trusted the journey, had fun with it, and then made it happen. 

The hardest part to making the impossible happen is self-doubt and peer pressure to not continue making or doing something. Sometimes when one gets an idea to create something that has never been made before, the biggest roadblock is when they can't get it right the first try to their specifications or tell their idea and people say it won't work, they give up. Yet in doing so, they give up what could potentially be a great thing. Nothing sustainably good ever happens overnight or on the first try. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverence to make it happen. As long as you have fun on the journey to make that thing happen or a reality, it's all worth it. When you complete whatever it is you're working on, you'll remember more of the fun times on the journey and not all of the struggle. Life is full of impossibilities yet even the impossible can be made possible. 

So until next time, have fun making the impossible possible and Keep Cooking with Character!  

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