Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Day 20: Well, that isn't quite what I had in mind.-- Deems Taylor

Well, that isn't quite what I had in mind.-- Deems Taylor, Fantasia

This comes to us when The Soundtrack makes his first sound, which is a grating flop down the musical scale. Deems kinda asked for it when he asked for The Soundtrack to give any kind of sound.   

Have you ever had something happen that wasn't what you wanted? Perhaps someone answered a question of yours with an unexpected answer. Have you ever said this quote to anything? I find myself saying this quite a bit. 

It's a well-known fact that things don't always go our way. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we get answers we like, other times we don't. How do you react when you get an answer you don't like or have in mind? Do you get mad or frustrated? Perhaps you just laugh it off like Deems did because it was rather funny. 

How we react to things shows others how we are and it shows our personalities.  Some prefer to laugh their way through life. Others take the straight-as-a-pin more serious route. Some choose to control their anger in the situation, others choose to lash out. Some choose to diffuse a hard situation; others choose to make it even harder, whether they realize it or not. Some help people, others don't. Yet the common thread is we are choosing to react, which is not always the best but it happens. Reacting in a positive manner will almost always give a better result than reacting in a negative manner.

So until next time, react to things with a light heart and as always Keep Cooking with Character.

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