Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 83: Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them.-- Marie

 Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them.-- Marie, The AristoCats

This elegant quote comes to us when two little kittens, a tan rough-and-tumble kitten named Toulouse and his baby brother, a cobalt-blue shy kitten named Berlioz, are play-fighting and run over their little sister, a sassy white-haired kitten named Marie. She gets the urge to join in, and says this gem after being reprimanded by her mother, a beautiful white cat named Duchess. 

This quote speaks to how women were viewed at the time the movie was released, which was in 1970. It was considered improper for a young lady to start any kind of fights, and pretty scandalous for her to even finish one. On some levels, it is still improper for a lady to start or participate in a fight even in more recent times. It does show that it is ok for a lady to defend herself should she ever find herself in any sort of trouble.

Sometimes it's good to fight for things, like fighting to end hunger or fighting to overcome a tough obstacle (like learning how to read or learning how to walk again). Those kind of fights are good fights and are ok. That kind can end up in success and a joy you'd not get elsewhere. If it's a fight to prove your point and you're using your fists and name-calling to win it, that is never good nor ok. That kind of fighting will only end in disappointment and destruction. 

So until next time, always remember to fight for the good things in life and Keep Cooking with Character!

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