Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 84: In all our days, in tender ways, her love for us was shown.-- Duchess

In all our days, in tender ways, her love for us was shown.-- Duchess, The AristoCats

This sweet quote comes to us when Duchess is trying to explain to O'Malley, the homeless alley-cat, just how much she and her kittens mean to Madame Adelaide Bomfamille, their owner.

Who is the first person that comes to your mind when you read this quote? Perhaps you've met them, like say your mother, or perhaps you haven't yet because of your current situation. Perhaps you've met someone like this, but you don't quite understand what they do. Quite frankly, this quote reminds me a lot of my mother because of how she acts and has raised both my sister and I. Hopefully, I'll be half the mother she has been to us because of what she's shown and taught us about Love and everything else.

Love can be shown in many ways. It's a funny thing because what one person may view as showing their love may not be the same as another person's. For some, it could be fixing your car without asking or getting the dishes done. For others, like Madame, it's making sure all your basic needs are met, like having water and food on demand, and completing it with cuddles and kisses. Yet there are some who view showing others love by completely removing themselves from that other person who is causing them so much trouble as a way of tough love. Sometimes showing love is more powerful than actually saying "I love you". Yet it also has a way that goes unnoticed until someone leaves or actually says "I love you" to someone who may not realize they love the other person or animal.

So until next time, always look for the little ways someone shows you love and Keep Cooking with Character!

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