Friday, June 19, 2020

Day 159: Do not be fooled by it's commonplace appearance....--The Peddler

Do not be fooled by it's commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.--The Peddler

This gem comes to us at the start of the movie when The Peddler is trying to make a sale off of his portable cart. As he says this quote, he is holding  a beaten brass lamp that resembles an old fashioned gravy boat with a lid.

The saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" comes to mind every time I hear this quote. They also say that first impressions are everything. Have you ever judged something or someone by their first appearance? Was that first impression correct or was it wrong?

At first glance, the lamp doesn't look like much. It looks like something you would pass over. Yet the lamp is so much more. Even though it does not look like it is worth much, it still means a lot to certain people which is revealed throughout The Peddler's story and the movie. Have you ever seen or gotten something that doesn't look like much but holds great sentimental value? That sentimental value may be worth more than a king's Ransom in gold.

Have you ever met someone? I'm sure you probably have. What were they like when you first met that? What did they look like? Were they ain't shy were they blouse were they cautious? Did they look like they were trustworthy or not? Did they look rough or mean like someone you wouldn't want to mess with? Did you leave them alone or approached them? Did you pass them by at first then give them a second chance? How did they make you feel? Has anyone ever passed by you then given you another second chance? How did that work out for you? Hopefully it turned out well. If not, I hope you were able to move on from that encounter.

I could go on about why you should or should not dismiss someone or something after the first glance. However I'm pretty sure those are some lessons you've already been taught over the years or have read about elsewhere. I'm just going to let my questions do the talking instead.

So until next time, remember it's what's on the inside that counts and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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