Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Day 19: Now, watching him, I discovered that every beautiful sound also creates an equally beautiful picture.-- Deems Taylor

Now, watching him, I discovered that every beautiful sound also creates an equally beautiful picture.-- Deems Taylor
In this quote, Deems introduces The Soundtrack at the start of Act 2. The soundtrack is a string that goes through various changes to show many different types of instruments and tempos. The Soundtrack string goes from a fluid round line to sharp prickly lines as needed. 

Have you ever noticed this when you're hearing a soundtrack or music in general? Some of the prettiest pictures come from the instrumental songs. Deems got it right when he said this quote because we usually think of beautiful music making beautiful pictures. When we hear a beautiful sound, like that of a harp, we tend to think of angels or another ethereal being. When we hear a more harsher sound, say a flat note played by a trumpet, we think of frustration or for lack of a better word a fart. Each sound has a way of giving us a picture. 

Life has its own soundtrack, though we may not always notice it. Birds, for example, are the best at creating it because of their songs they sing. If you go outside and just listen to them each one has a different song that means something to the birds. The way people walk or do things has their own music too. Everything has its own beat even though it's not always in a standard metered form that's found in most music. We only have to pay attention to it. 

So until next time, listen to the soundtrack of life and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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