Saturday, June 20, 2020

Day 160: You're only a fool if you give up, boy.-- The Prisoner

You're only a fool if you give up, boy.-- The Prisoner, Aladdin

This one comes to us when Aladdin is thrown in the Agrabah prison. The two have a conversation that included him trying to convince Aladdin to break out.

Have you ever wanted to do something that seemed impossible? Have you ever wanted to do something in general? Were you able to get started? If you did get it started did you come to a point where are you gave up because you got frustrated or did you keep pushing through your frustrations and finally completed?

I myself can easily answer that last question. There have been many times where I just wanted to give up. Believe it or not even my blog and my channel because I felt like no one was watching my videos no one was reading my blog, reading my DisneyQuotes365 project, not to mention other things. Then one day I realized that, and this was recently too, it's okay that I am nowhere near where I want to be in terms of readers and subscribers. I know that one day I will eventually get to blog and YouTube full time with an extremely loyal fan base. I don't know when it's going to be, but I am not giving up. The drive and the passion are just too great for me to ignore. I would rather have a loyal fan base who is willing to stick with me through the highs and lows than to go viral one moment and lose everything the next.

I was actually very tempted to not put this particular quotes because of who says it. The prisoner is not exactly who he is which we see a little later on. But this quote is too good not to talk about, because it's got so much truth to it. Giving up almost always leads to regret. It will almost always lead to the what ifs: What if I actually finished? What if I change this one little thing? How would it work then? What if I did things differently? How would they turn out? Those are just a few of the many questions that you come across sometimes.

If giving up is the only option, for example, if you are in any form of a relationship where the other person is not treating you as kind or as well as they should, say they always constantly put you down or raise their voice over the smallest things just to do it too keep you under there thumb to make you afraid  that no one else will want you, then, yes it is okay to get give up. In fact run away from those kind of relationships for your life even though it is scary having to move on from that kind of trauma. Times like that are okay to give up and you're not a fool.

For the most part if you give up before seeing something through, then yes, you are a fool, because you don't know what sort of great things could come from you sticking to it. It's always best to give things a chance. No one is great 100% right off the start. Let's take baseball or basketball's Greats Nolan Ryan and Michael Jordan. They had to learn the game from the basics and kept practicing and practicing and practicing until they got to be one of the greats. I'm sure there were probably times were they wanted to give up but they had that passion and that drive keep them going. You could even go so far as to looking at our greatest artists and inventors of the times. Leonardo Da Vinci created so many works of art and he was an inventor as well. He was also a lefty, which made things hard for him because for many many many years being left-handed was a sign of the devil and usually beaten out of people. He did so many great works of art like The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper and created many inventions like the scissors and a flying machine. Yet he did not give up. He found a way to make the colors look just right, which back then was not an easy task because they had to find the right herbs and the right natural pigments to get just the right color. Probably one of the most well-known and greatest inventors of our time was Thomas Edison. It is said that he said (and I'm paraphrasing) he found 10,000 different ways how not to make a working light bulb before he made for working light bulb. He could have given up after the first attend after the first 50. The first hundred attempts. You get the idea but yet he did not. Who knows where we would be if he did not invent the light bulb? I hope I've given you just a few reasons why giving up is not a good idea. It is up to you to find your reason for not giving up I can't tell you to do it your family can't tell you to do it nobody can tell you your reasons but you.

So until next time I hope you don't give up and as always keep cooking with character

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