Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day 161: Now it still needs something. What does it say to me? --The Genie

Now it still needs something. What does it say to me? --The Genie, Aladdin

This comes to us when the Genie is trying to figure out exactly what Aladdin needs to become Prince Ali. 

Have you ever been in a similar situation where you have had to dress up more fancier than you're used to or been working on a project of sorts? Perhaps you are trying to decorate your room but you're just not quite sure what it needs. Were you able to figure it out or are you still trying to figure it out?

Sometimes it's very easy to figure out what you need. Other times it's not so easy. It could be something as easy as choosing a bow tie or picking the kind of makeup you'll wear. Yet it could also be something even deeper that you're not aware of. It could be something deeper like a new friendship or a relationship. It could be something as simple as a little bit of salt in a recipe or it could be something even more different.

Have you ever made a dish but when you taste tested it it didn't taste right, like it needed something? Perhaps it was something as simple as salt or pepper. It could have been something more substantial like the type of flour or the type of meat. I could go on and on about recipes and subtle tweaks that could elevate the recipe but at the same time it could also be something as different as leaving something out. Perhaps the recipe calls for red bell peppers and you don't like red bell pepper but you really want to try the recipe. You have a few options. You could leave them out or leave them in. If you leave them out, you could try substituting a diffrent veggie or just leave it out. It depends on the recipe though. It would change the flavor profile either way. Yet it's entirely up to you. Though, I do reccomend mastering a recipe before you start to change it and make it your own.

So until next time, I hope you are able to figure out just what you need and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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