Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Day 162: Learn to have a little fun --The Sultan

Learn to have a little fun --The Sultan, Aladdin

This gem comes to us when Prince Ali convinces The Sultan to ride the Magic Carpet. The Royal Vizer, Jafar, was against it from the start because he felt like it wasn't safe and he did not want The Sultan to have any fun, except for what he deemed as fun. The Sultan says this zinger back to Jafar before zooming off.

Have you ever been told this particular quote? Perhaps you sent it to someone else. Learning to have fun is the easiest thing to do. Children learn how to have fun from toddler. However, as we grow older, we are constantly taught not to have fun. Sometimes we are told to the point where we forget how to have fun. Yet there are are so many ways to have fun, even in the unlikeliest of places.

You can easily make a game out of anything. You could make a friendly competition out of who sells more drinks or who answers phone calls at work. You could make it a game to beat your best day. You could also do standard wad of paper and play basketball with the trash can. You could also draw on some spare scraps of paper. It's okay for adults to have fun on the job. Sometimes that makes all the difference. Perhaps you know how to have fun off the job but you're not sure exactly how to make it fit into your job. I'm sure you will find a way. I don't know how I cannot say how because your idea of fun might be different than mine. Very few things in life I cannot find fun in. I've had many jobs over the years and I've managed to find fun and every last one. In the wise words of Mary Poppins "you find the fun and snap the jobs a game".

So I hope you will be able to find the fun in any job and until next time Keep Cooking with Character!

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