Thursday, June 25, 2020

Day 163: All joking aside, you really oughta be yourself. --The Genie

All joking aside, you really oughta be yourself. --The Genie, Aladdin

This sage bit of advice comes to us when Aladdin asks for advice on how to win Jasmine's hand.

Have you ever been told this gem? Maybe you've said it to someone else who needed to hear it.

Being yourself is one of the best things in life you can do. It's also one of the hardest things to do because society doesn't always like it when you're yourself. Yet it also says you should be true to who you are.

While society says it matters what you look like, who you fall in love with, what you like to watch or do ect.,  it really doesn't. No matter what you do, who you like, or what you look like, there will always be someone who does not like or approve of whatever you do. Therefore, as long as it is legal, you do you and be the best you can be. If you're meant to do something, or be with someone, life will find a way to bring it to you. Yet you do have to do a bit of work to make it happen.

Being yourself is the most freeing thing. One thing I've learned over the years is to do what makes you the happiest. Sometimes that takes a long time to figure out. Other times it doesn't take that long. I hope you end up in a position that allows you to embrace every aspect of who you are and not where you feel like you have to hide. I also hope you end up in a relationship, be it growing up in a family or creating your own, that allows you to be you and allows you to celebrate your uniqueness. There's no one quite like you and the only one who can do what you do best.  The Genie said it best "Bee yourself!" and it needs no elaboration.

So as always be yourself and Keep Cooking with Character!

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