Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Two Worlds, One Dream

     For many years, I have had dreams of owning my own blog and a video blog. Finally, with the help and encouragement of a few good friends I've made the leap to turn my dreams into reality. Within my posts, you'll be able to find things about cooking and Disney. Sometimes both! 

    The Two Worlds I speak of are Disney and Cooking. I love both of them and have ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I grew up in a house that embraced Disney. If it was made by Disney, say Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers or Aladdin, we were guarenteed to get the OK. Others, not so much. I love the animation and story telling Disney does with their movies, and love the live-action shows that they put on at Walt Disney World. I also love the food that they create there too. 

     Which brings me to my other love, cooking. I grew up in the kitchen from day one. If mom was in the kitchen, I was right there trying to help out. Thankfully, I learned a few tricks (and recipes) from those good ole days. Some of them have come in handy! Having food allergies (shellfish and strawberries) and intolerances (dairy) makes things challenging in the food department, especially for a foodie like me. All of the recipes I post will be ones I've made and will post in parentheses what exchanges I had to make so I can eat it. Since I cannot eat shellfish or have strawberries, you won't find many of either of those types of recipes on my blog. I'll also try and post pictures or video with each recipe. 

     The One Dream is this blog. It's new. It's diffrent. Best of all it's my dream that's become a reality. One that's full of surprises! You'll never know what I may post! 

     So let's get cooking!

     One last thing! Gotta get the unpleasentries out of the way. All of my posts are my own views and reviews. No one is paying me to say what I say. If you like what I have to say or have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the box below and I'll try to reply as fast as I can. If you don't like what I have to say or post, you don't have to do anything (like keep reading my blog). I'm not twisting your arm to continue. This is strictly for entertainment. Now that THAT is out of the way. Back to the good stuff!

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