Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 99: I'm not in the book you know.-- Gopher

I'm not in the book you know.-- Gopher, The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh

This gem comes to us when Gopher pops up to offer his services to get Pooh unstuck from Rabbit's front door. He says this on his way out just after giving them his card.

I love this little quote because it's actually true. In the novels about Winnie the Pooh, Gopher is not mentioned anywhere. He was created soley for the movie. It's a cute tongue-in-cheek quote he says because it implies there's a phonebook for The 100 Acre Wood, yet he means the book A.A. Milne wrote many years prior. In both Winnie The Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, Gopher is no where to be seen. Believe me, I've read those books cover to cover and back again and sadly no Gopher, yet we get a hilarious and used-to-be-often used quote in the movie.

Have you ever said this yourself? Have others said it to you because they do not want their number known but to a few select people? As more and more towns stop giving out free phonebooks, which lists everyone's phone numbers, this phrase will be less and less used. Which sadly means this quote will be understood by only those who know their Disney Trivia. So it will be one of those "sign of the times" hidden gems. I myself am "not in the book" because I prefer some small bit of privacy and I do screen all my calls. So if I don't know you or expect a call from you I don't answer. It's something I was taught when I was finally old enough to be a latch-key kid. For those who are unfamiliar with the latch-key kid term, it basically means my parents trusted me enough to come home to an empty house after school and wait for them to get home from work. It also meant I was old enough to watch my little sister as well. Usually it wasn't for very long. My mom would get home from work no more than an hour after we got home on the bus. With how society is nowadays, kids won't really know what it's like given the laws that are now in place to protect the children from kidnappings as best as society can do.

So until next time, remember I'm not in the book but I am online and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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