Monday, January 11, 2021

Day 11: You must learn to chose between right and wrong.-- Blue Fairy

You must learn to chose between right and wrong.-- Blue Fairy, Pinocchio

This bit of advice comes when the Blue Fairy is explaining things to Pinocchio and how his newfound life should go in order for him to become a real boy. 

This lesson is one that everyone has to learn as they grow older. Sometimes the line between right and wrong is easy. Other times it's not. Have you ever been put in a situation where you had to choose between the right and wrong answer? Did you pick the right answer or the wrong one? Perhaps you're putting off a decision because you're not sure which one is truly the right answer. 

As children, we're usually taught that "this is the one right answer to this issue or this problem" and "every other answer is wrong". This is dangerous thinking because for some issues there is no real wrong answer and for others there's no real right answer. I can think of some more current events where there was no real right answer, but there was no real wrong answer either. Sometimes there's just no answer at all and while frustrating that is okay too. We humans always want the right answers every time straight up and hate when we don't get it. 

There are some definite right and wrong things morally. The biggest right moral is to treat others the way you want to be treated. The biggest wrong that can be done is to kill someone. All life is precious no matter how small or what they look like. There are so many things that are easily right or wrong if you use common sense. If you're not sure if something is right or something is wrong, ask somebody, get a second opinion, but ultimately what you decide is right or wrong is up to you. 

So until next time, I hope that you are able to easily choose between right and wrong and as always Keep Cooking with Character!


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