Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 7: Sometimes, the right path is not always the easiest one. --Grandmother Willow

Sometimes the right path is not always the easiest one." --Grandmother Willow, Pocahontas

This gem comes from the 1995 film Pocahontas. In the scene Pocahontas and John Smith are talking with Grandmother Willow about the upcoming English invasion and how they want to remain together.
I am constantly reminded of this by a very true friend when I don't always make the best choices or want to do something that is not as beneficial to me as I am lead to believe. Sometimes the right path is saying no to a favorite food you used to eat but can't now due to an allergy that developed over time or not being friends with certain people who claim they're looking out for you but truly weren't. It could sometimes be saying yes to a love that everyone says no to like Pocahontas and John Smith experienced in the film. Though sometimes when Love is involved like say loving a person who abuses you mentally, emotionally or physically the best thing for your life is to say no and get out, though it is a hard road the best in that situation is to leave because you are worth more than that, even if he/she/it said you're not.
Sometimes when things look down or rough when we're doing something that just feels right, we don't know realize we are on the right path or we sometimes forget that it can be hard before it becomes smoother, not nessisarrily easier but definitely smoother.
Never give up and Keep Cooking with Character!

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