Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 8: Giving up is for rookies! --Philoctetes

"Giving up is for rookies!" --Philoctetes, Hercules

This is one of my favorite quotes from the 1997 film Hercules. In one of the climactic scenes, Hercules was about to give up on a battle and Philoctetes aka Phil was giving him a pep talk when he said this gem.

 Giving up can pertain to a lot of different things. You can give up on a test. You can give up a career. You can give up a lot of things. I'm sure you've probably given up on a lot of things too over the years. If you're thinking of giving up on something right now. Make sure to ask yourself if or how beneficial is it for me to give up? What do I stand to gain by giving this up? What do I have to lose? If you can name several good gains and no losses then it may be best to give it up. Lets take an ego for instance. Without one you gain respect, true confidence, and people tend to gravitate towards you more because you're truly trustworthy. If you have one chances are people only tolerate you and act like they respect you and only give you what you want to keep you from bullying them. So if you have one it's best to get rid of it no matter how hard it may be because you have everything to gain and nothing to losee but the ego.
If you truly believe in something or someone never give up on your cause or that person. You may never know how much of a friend, like Phil, they truly need and you may never know how close you are to your goal if you give up too early!
Never give up and Keep Cooking with Character!

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