Sunday, January 21, 2018

Day 14: I suddenly realized that he was...-- Deems Taylor

"I suddenly realized that he was...  not only an indispensable member of the organization,
but a screen personality whose possibilities nobody had ever noticed."-- Deems Taylor, Fantasia
The he that Deems Taylor speaks of is not a person but the movie's soundtrack.  The soundtrack can make or break a movie or concert just as much as the preformers or screen/play writing can. Soundtracks have a way of making us feel things ordinary speech doesn't always do. They are like an old familiar friend or your worst foreshadowing enemy.
This quote also can be used for people too.  Anyone can be an indispensable member of an organization, even though there are some companies who view all employees as dispensable. Everyone is indispensable as they are all part of the soundtrack of Life. There may be 7 billion people on this Earth, but there's only one you to make the special kind of music only you can bring to the concert! From the quietest person to the loudest, everyone plays a part in this world. Sometimes the quietest can see or do things the loudest can't and vice versa. There are those who have a larger than life personality that should be on stage or screen but aren't. After all, everyone knows that one certain someone who they can't not smile or laugh around in their lives or memories. Others are content being the behind the scenes support system, like that one friend who you tell all your secrets to who wants nothing to do with the limelight.
Everyone also has the possibility to be great or do great things. Sometimes, the greatness and opportunities fall into their laps. Other times, you have to make the greatness and the opportunities happen.  For the times where it seems like there is absolutely no opportunity in the situation, just put on your favorite soundtrack or music and let your mind wander to where ever it wants. As Tadashi Himada sad in Big Hero 6 "Look for a new angle." You may just surprise yourself and the others around you.
Remember you are part of the soundtrack of life and Keep Cooking with Character!

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