Friday, January 15, 2021

Day 15: I may be live bait down there, but I'm with ya. -- Jiminy Cricket

I may be live bait down there, but I'm with ya. -- Jiminy Cricket, Pinoccio

This comes to us as Pinocchio and Jiminy are trying to escape Pleasure Island. Before they got the idea to jump from a cliff into the ocean, the only known way off Pleasure Island was for the little boys who ran amuk on the island to turn into speechless donkeys. 

Even though Jiminy knew there was a chance he would be eating by a fish because he is a cricket (an insect fishermen use to catch fish with), he still stuck by Pinocchio, because, not only was he Pinocchio's conscience, he was also Pinocchio's best friend. Do you have a friend like Jiminy, one who would do anything for you whether you asked or not? Perhaps you are the friend like Jiminy and would go out of your way to make sure your friends are well cared for and on the right path. Jiminy Cricket is a wonderful example of how a true friend should be, even if at times he had his doubts in Pinocchio. 

True friends like Jiminy are very hard to come by, especially once that are as insightful as a good conscience. They won't ever lead you a stray nor will they ever put you in harms way. Plus if you ask them for something for help in anything they are right there lending a hand even if they don't have either the time or the funds to do so. They also ask for nothing in return except for you to treat them the same should they ever need help. They would never tell your deepest darkest secrets if you told them to keep it a secret. They may have their doubts about some of your life's choices, but they will stick by you to make sure you're safe, even at an arm's distance. If you have a friend like this, hold them close to your heart, don't let them go, for they are as rare as they come, and never take them for granted. 

So until next time, always treat others the way you want to be treated and Keep Cooking with Character!

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