Thursday, January 14, 2021

Day 14: You might tell her the truth.-- Jiminy Cricket

You might tell her the truth.-- Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio

This good advice comes to us when Pinocchio is locked in a cage and  doesn't know how to ask The Blue Fairy for help.

Have you ever had to tell someone something or answer a question, but were not sure how to fully answer it? Did you answer it with the truth or a lie? The hardest thing to do in life is to tell the truth, because not everybody wants to hear it nor do they like to hear it. Some actually love to hear the truth, even if it hurts their feelings. As humans, we don't like our feelings hurt or that we are told we are wrong in our thinking.
When I think of this quote, I am reminded of another quote from the 1940s movie "Meet Me in St Louis" which starred the late great Judy Garland. It comes from Marjorie Main's character, Katie the maid. She said "A lie is a lie and dressing it in white don't help it". So it really is better just to tell the truth. 

Pinocchio found out the hard way that it is better to tell the truth from the start then tell a whole flock of lies. He didn't want to tell The Blue Fairy exactly what he did to get him into that cage. So he lied and his nose grew. Luckily, after Pinocchio told her the truth, The Blue Fairy saw just how sorry Pinocchio was for getting them into that position and his lies. She decided to help him out just that one time. 

Not everyone is like The Blue Fairy. Sometimes people are. Others, if you tell a lie once to them, will never forgive you and they will move on. Rightfully so, because when you tell a lie, you break the other person's trust and trust that is broken is not easily gained back, if ever. So it's just best to be truthful from the start and save yourself and others the massive headache. Yet I also understand how hard it can be, because we don't want to hurt someone else's feelings. We don't like seeing people sad, mad, angry, or showing the darker emotions that are also part of life. So we tend to sometimes sugar coat the truth or flat out lie just so we can spare the other the possibility of hurt feelings, which is counterproductive because people need to learn how to handle the truth in a constructive (hopefully positive) way.

So until next time always tell the truth and Keep Cooking with Character!  

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