Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 17: Nearly everybody gets twitterpated..-- Friend Owl

"Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the spring time."-- Friend Owl, Bambi
This hidden gem is found after Bambi grows up and it is springtime. Friend Owl explains what all the woodland critters are doing to Bambi, Thumper and Flower, when they ask him. The trio also does not believe Friend Owl when he gives them this advice.
Being twitterpated basically means being in love with someone. It seems to happen a lot in the spring when the air is fresh with new grass and everyone is in a happier mood coming out of the dark dank and dreary cold winter. I'm a firm believer there is someone out there for everyone to be twitterpated with. It just takes some more seasons than others to find them, but when it happens one will be over the moon with happiness and want the world for the other, or so I imagine since as of this post I have yet to be twitterpated. Even those who think there is no one for them, they're there, just waiting to spring into their life at just the right time. If you're searching for The One, don't get frustrated or give up. It may just not be the right season yet. You'll find them one day. If you've found The One, I hope you never lose sight of what caused you to choose them to become twitterpated with in the first place.
Until next time, Keep Cooking with Character!

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