Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 16: Dumbo, you're standing on the threshold of success!-- Timothy Q. Mouse

"Dumbo, you're standing on the threshold of success. Don't look down. It'll make you dizzy. Boy, are they in for a surprise!"-- Timothy Q. Mouse, Dumbo
This line is said by Timothy Mouse right as Dumbo is about to jump from a burning building as part of the climax to the circus show. As far as what happens next, if he jumps or not, I'll leave it to you to decide or watch.
In a movie that does not have many positive quotes, I came across this hidden gem. It's really fitting when you're about to start anything new, be it a dream job or a new project or something as massive as trying to start your own successful blog or YouTube channel. There will always be those naysayers who are determined to prevent you from following your dreams or keep you from being successful because of their own jealousies or insecurities. Don't let them get you down or keep you down.
As with anything, you may not get it right on the first try and it may take reinventing yourself til you succeed in whatever you do. Yet you may get lucky and get it right on the first try and soar right out the gate. You won't know until you take a chance and make the leap to know just how far you can soar. You may just find you'll surprise more than just your naysayers. You may surprise yourself too.
Remember to take the leap, soar high and Keep Cooking with Character!

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