Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Day 29: The Tale of Johnny Appleseed

In another departure from the normal, today's quote is The Story of Johnny Appleseed, as told by Dennis Day in the 1948 film Melody Time.
  This segment is one of my most favorite scenes in all the Disney animated classic films. It has many great quotes (see some below), a hilariously sassy guardian angel and an excellent little ditty praising the Lord and thanking Him for everything. It starts off when Johnny was just a scrawny Pennsylvanian apple tree farmer round 1806 and follows him and his guardian angel until his death 40 years later. It is one of those feel-good stories with a bit of history thrown in. There's not a lick of violence in it; just a simple humble man doing what he loves most: tending to his apple trees and being a good Christian man. 
  I love how humble Johnny has such a sassy Guardian Angel who helps him realize he could do what he loved most (plant/ tend to apple trees) AND go out West like he wanted. I also love how it handled Death in a way that is not somber or scary. It was lighthearted yet still respectful: Johnny's spirit didn't want to leave because there was a lot of land that still needed his apple trees on Earth, but left for Heaven when his Guardian Angel told him Heaven needed Apple trees too and The Narrator tells the audience how he will always remember Johnny Appleseed by the "apple orchard skies". Part of me has wondered how it would look by today's standards, yet the majority of me is glad it was made when and how it was because it kept true to how John Chapman aka Johnny Appleseed was in real life and it was beautifully drawn/animated by hand. Every now and then, "Johnny's Thankful Song" pops into my head even when I've not watched the segment in years. 
Some of my favorite quotes:
"What's holding you?" says a voice. "Go on. Go on out west if that's your choice." - The Narrator
"Well, speak up boy! Don't stand there gawking. Unlock your jaw and get talking." - Johnny's Angel
"You've got the seeds your needing,. and for good reading, there ain't nothing finer than your Book. Here's a handy bonnet, even got a handle on it. Turn it upside down and you can cook." -- Johnny's Angel
"It tickled him how the fruits of his labors brought folks together." -- The Narrator
"The Lord is good to me and so I thank The Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun and rain and an apple seed. The Lord is good to me." -- Johnny Appleseed (part of his "Thankful Song")
So until next time, remember to stay thankful and Keep Cooking with Character!

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