Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 107: Faith is like a bluebird..-- Rufus

Faith is like a bluebird. You see it from afar. It's as real and as sure as the first evening star. You can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.-- Rufus, The Rescuers

This wonderful quote comes to us when Rufus the ginger cat with a white mustashe reminds Penny to keep her faith because she was sad she didn't get adopted on Adoption Day at Morningside Orphanage. 

This is one of my favorite quotes. No matter what you're dealing with, no matter what you're wanting to have happen, no matter what you're working towards, you've always got to have a little bit of faith things will turn out right in the end. Trust me, I know how hard life can be and how hard it can be to keep the faith things will get better. Yet I am finding out things always do get better in the most unexpected ways. It may not be how we want something to happen for the better but we get what we need that's better as long as we believe and keep the faith it will.  

For example, one thing that is helping me keep the faith that things will get better is getting to see my little Cardinal and goldfinch friends and the rare blue jay as I sit and blog outside before work. It may seem like something as simple as seeing a little bird or hearing a birdsong wouldn't bring such joy, but their songs and seeing them do. Sometimes just sitting and listening to their birdsongs helps unlock feelings and gives me the inspiration to write. According to bird lore, you're very lucky to see a Cardinal or a Blue Jay because, though they are brightly colored, they do not always want to be seen, unless they want you to see them. It's always the littlest things in life that bring the greatest joys and reminders that everything happens for a reason and everything will turn out right in the end. 

Perhaps you're going through a rough time yourself. I hope that whatever you're going through you remember to keep the faith and at the same time, keep working towards a better future. Having faith is great, but if you're not working towards something to help your faith along, it may not turn out how you want. If something isn't working the way you want it to, try changing your perspective or just changing one tiny detail. It might make all the diffrence. Yet you'll never know unless you try and keep the faith! 

So until next time, always remember to keep the fiath in a brighter future and Keep Cooking with Character!

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