Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 106: Well after waking him up in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be grumpy too?-- Miss Bianca

Well after waking him up in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be grumpy too?-- Miss Bianca, The Rescuers

This funny little quote comes to us after Bernard and Miss Bianca accidentally end up in the lion's den in the zoo they were cutting through trying to get to the Morningside Orphanage, where Penny was staying.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? How do you react when say your alarm goes off or someone wakes you up? Do you wake up quickly or do you have to take your time? Are you grumpy no matter what or do you wake up in a good mood?

I myself am a night owl and cannot stand mornings. I've always been like that, even as a child. Don't get me wrong, there are some good things about the morning: namely, it's the time my little bird freinds are most active in their singing. I still prefer nights because I can actually see better and that is when my brain is more awake. I'm also one who does NOT like to be woken up for anything. Bernard and Miss Bianca got lucky because the lion only roared them away. I would have thrown a pillow at them, or taken a swing in my sleep. I don't like being woken up from my dreams because of how wonderful they usually are. My dreams usually are of my soulmate, our dream Disney Wedding, our future children and the occasional blog idea, all good happy things. In my dreams there's usually no sadness and I can usually control my dreams now that I've figured out the cause of my night terrors (watching certain movies gives me them).  I don't get nightmares, I get full blown night terrors which are worse. So I do my best to avoid those triggers because it takes me several hours of being awake to get calmed down from one and I have to focus really hard on a super good dream to get to sleep the next night. It's taken me years to get to this point. Yet the one thing that has always stayed the same has been my hatred of being waken up unexpectedly. I rather happen to enjoy my dreams I want no life-commercials in them. If that makes sense. 

Hopefully, you're not interuppted as you sleep, get good dreams yourself and can remember them.  I also hope you are able to remember the good dreams you have too and forget the bad dreams.  If you are the unfortunate person who has to wake someone up, I hope they wake up fairly easy for you.

So until next time,  remember to let sleeping lions sleep and Keep Cooking with Character.

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