Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 105: Never fail to do what's right.-- Bernard

Never fail to do what's right.-- Bernard, The Rescuers

This tasty bit of wisdom is part of The Rescue Aid Society pledge that Bernard repeats after Miss Bianca suggests they cut through the zoo to get to Penny faster. The whole pledge is "Through storm and rain and dark of night, never fail to do what's right."

"Never fail to do what's right." That is not an easy task. Even if you try to do what's right, there is always a chance you may fail at it. That is ok as long as you tried your best. Sometimes you may feel your best isn't good enough when you're trying to do what's right but it is because you are trying.  It may feel like the right thing to do is the wrong thing at times.

I'm reminded of an earlier Disney Animated Classic film where a certain little cricket tells a certaian little puppet about temptations. Jiminy Cricket said "Temptations. They're the wrong things that seem right at the time but... even though the right things may seem wrong sometimes, the wrong things.", which completely confused Pinocchio.  What Jiminy was trying to say was that sometimes the hardest choice in life is to do the right thing because life throws you all these temptations and they seem right at the time but they're not. Let's say there's a huge sale at your favorite store, but you've not yet paid the bills. You could go into the store before paying your bills and take advantage of the sale and run the risk of overspending OR you could pay your bills first and then take advantage of the sale if you have anything left. Which would you choose? The temptation route or the right route.

Trust me I know first hand how hard it is to constantly have to put bills first before getting other things I want or need (like having to wait on getting my WDWAP back to continue my Character Interview series or try some of the new places at Disney Springs!). My biggest temptation right now is to put my blog ahead of my "nessesity bills", if you will.  Yet I do the right thing and put those "nessesity bills" first then splurge when and if I can.  I'm still working on my Patreon video so I can use that to fully fund my blog and channel until I can get the views and subscribers up to where YouTube will let me run family-friendly ads on my videos.  I'm coming extremely close to getting it done and will post it by the end of this year. It is one of my New Year's Resolutions to get it done. I have so many plans for my Patrons as well.

Sometimes, choosing the right thing is the easiest choice to make, like choosing to not cheat on a test or wear clothes (though picking out the right clothes to wear can be hard). Yet 9 times out of 10 doing the right thing is the harder of the two choices. It's always hard to tell if you've made the right choice or not. You'll usually know if you feel like a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders or if someone smiles at you when you finally decide. Hopefully that smile is not them misleading you into doing a wrong thing that seems right at the time (like Honest John did to Pinocchio after Jiminy told him about temptations). You'll also know ytou made the right choice when it brings a smile to your face and a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

So until next time, remember the Rescue Aide Society's pledge and Keep Cooking with Character!

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