Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 104: We'll be a great team together!-- Miss Bianca

We'll be a great team together!-- Miss Bianca, The Rescuers

This tasty morsel comes to us in Disney's 1977 animated classic The Rescuers. When The Rescue Aid Society gets a message in a bottle, but before The Chairman can ask for anyone to take the case, Miss Bianca, the Hungarian delegate, immediately volunteers and tries to convince Bernard, the janitor, that he should join her on the case, which gives us this gem.

Life is all about being on teams or being part of a pair. Bernard and Miss Bianca, Sonny and Cher, The Saint Louis Cardinals, The Chicago Bulls, The Arkansas Razorbacks. The cast of Tarzan on Broadway. The cast of Aladdin on Broadway. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I could go on about all the diffrent teams and pairs we see on a daily basis in the movies or on TV or on a stage. Every person on that team or in that preformance is part of a team. In order for there to be a team they have to be picked by someone to say "please join me on my team. I want you.". Even being at work you're on a team because everyone is working for the same common goal. Yet to me the greatest team to be on is one where you have a partner for life, someone who you trust with all your heart and soul with your most deepest darkest secrets and anything not-so-nice that happened in your past that you wouldn't tell just anyone to. That person (whether it's a diffrent gender than yours or not) would help provide for you as you do them and would be willing to work through every one of life's little problems without giving up. The most important thing to that team is that you are in love with each other and refuse to give up on each other no matter the squalls life may bring. In simpler terms that team is called marriage and your teammate is called a spouse. No matter what role you're in (playing a diffrent character in a play, playing a diffrent position on a sports team, or doing your job at work ect.) you're on a team and able to make a diffrence.

Have you ever been on a team before? What teams were you on? Was everyone a team player and worked hard to make it a successful one? Perhaps you weren't as good as some others on the team because they were stronger team players. That's ok as long as you tried your best for the team and tried to keep getting better. Perhaps you were just as good if not stronger as others, and that's ok too because it takes everyone to make it work. Being on a team takes all kinds of people to make it work. Where one person is strong at something, another may be weak. That same strong person may have other areas they are weaker at. Likewise, that same weak person may have other areas they're stronger at. Sometimes it takes a while to get everyone into a team role they are strong at. If you see someone struggling at work, or just in general, don't be afraid to speak up and ask if they want some help or jump right in (depending what they need help with). Everyone's on a team and always needs help, even if they are not willing to admit it.

So until next time, Ihope you find a great team to be on and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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