Saturday, March 23, 2019

Day 78: I'm a lot tougher than some people think.--- Mowgli

I'm a lot tougher than some people think.--- Mowgli, The Jungle Book

This tasty morsel comes to us when Baloo accidentally hits Mowgli too hard during Mowgli's 'bear lessons". The "some people" Mowgli speaks of is Bagheera, who thinks he should stay in "the man-village" for his own good and safety.

How many times have you thought or even said something like this? Quite a few I'd reckon. Have you ever been put into a situation where people didn't think you were tough enough to survive or get through it. Perhaps it was something as simple as passing a tough test, like collage-AP trigonometry, or something even tougher, like being in a military battle or going through military boot-camp. Perhaps you're facing your toughest internal battles because of your inner demons telling you you're "not worthy or good enough", "no one likes you because you're diffrent", or battling flashbacks of an experiance you didn't think you'd survive or you're facing the uphill climb of making your dreams come true even when you have a lot of people who say it can't be done or you'll never do it.  The internal battles with yourself are always the hardest to fight, believe you me! You can even win those battles and change your life for the better.

Whatever you're going through and are putting up a good fight to survive (or even better live), just know whoever you are I'm proud of you and you can do this.  You're tougher than even you yourself think and can overcome anything if you put your heart and mind to it. With each step you take towards your goals and dreams, you're one step farther from whatever darkness wants to stop you and it makes you one step closer to your true happiness and your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you diffrent because I know dreams come true.

So until next time, always remember you're tougher than anyone thinks, including yourself, and Keep Cooking with Character!

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