Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 95: Mind your manners.-- Mother Rabbit

Mind your manners.-- Mother Rabbit, Robin Hood

This often used gem comes to us when Skippy almost forgets to thank Robin Hood for giving him his bow and arrow as a birthday present after The Sheriff of Nottingham takes Skippy's birthday farthing for taxes. 

Minding your manners. That is something I know everyone gets told at least once or twice in their lifetime. I cannot tell you how many times I've been told myself as a child. I see both people (including kids) who use their manners and even more who don't on a near daily basis. 

Some of the biggest manners learned early on are saying "Please" and "Thank you". I know there are some parents who refuse to teach their kids these two words because they want to wait for their child to feel grateful before saying "Thank you". Yet I find myself wondering how do they learn how to feel grateful when they're not taught the phrase that embodies it. Same with "Please". It's one of those words that yes it has a couple meanings, but really important when you use your manners because it shows you're trying to be polite and respectful in what you're asking for. Some of the other manners that aren't always used mayseem old-fashioned, like holding doors open for the person behind you or coming out of say a store, or opening car doors for your passengers. Even being quiet while someone sleeps is a way to be respectful. Giving your seat up on a bus is also another good manner to use, espeicaily if you see someone older than you or has tiny children or is pregnant. Being patient while you wait and not be demanding when you want something are also great ways to use your manners. These are just some of the main manners we are taught as children that sometimes we as adults forget to use. I could go on and on about how manners should be used every day. Yet I'm not going to because I'm pretty sure you've been told enough to know to use them. 

So with that, just always remember to mind your manners and as always Keep Cookng with Character!


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