Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 115: Forever is a long time..-- Big Mama

Forever is a long time and time has a way of changing things-- Big Mama, The Fox and The Hound

This gem comes to us just after Dinky and Boomer, the two caterpiller chasing birds, show Todd what Amos is training Copper to do and Todd makes the remark that Copper, his loyal childhood friend who happens to be a dog, would never change or go after him.

Have you ever known someone for what seems like forever? Did they stay the same from when you first met them, or did they change? Have you ever started a project, be it school or work or perhaps it was something you wanted to do? Did it feel like you were never going to finish it no matter how much you worked on it? Maybe your family has a new baby in the house or a new pet that's still in the baby/puppy/kitten stages and you want them to stay that way because of how cute and squishable they are. Perhaps you're visiting family and having such a grand time you could stay with them forever.

Sadly as much as some of us may wish for time to stop, it just marches on and changes things, even best laid plans. Yet for all the changes in the world, sometimes those changes are for the better: a new better paying job, finding out what you truly want to do with your life, making new true friends that won't turn their backs on you or take advantage of you, raising a child and watching how they do things through their innocent eyes (I could go on here), endangered or rehabilitated animals being reintroduced back into the wild. Unfortunatley sometimes those changes are not for the better: watching a relative lose their memories, seeing your friends who you thought were true turn out not to be and took major advantage of you, wars starting over the dumbest things (again I could go on here but not gonna), animals losing their habitats over human greed. 

The best thing to do is navigate life as best you can, hope for the best and keep the faith that not everyone is out to get you or will do you wrong if you've been wronged before. Is that being a bit naieve? Perhaps.  It's always best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I know it sounds a bit backwards but at least you'll be ready for whatever time tries to change on you.

So until next time, just remember that nothing lasts forever and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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