Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 116: You know, I've never been happier!-- Todd

You know, I've never been happier!-- Todd, The Fox and The Hound

This often used quote comes to us as Todd and Vixey, his lady fox mate, are walking through the nature preserve they're on.

Have you ever felt like this before? What caused you to feel this way? Was it because of a new job? Perhaps you've had a new baby join your family? Maybe it was because of a promotion or your mate said yes to marrying you. Perhaps you conquered a major fear of yours or completed a very tough problem you never thought you'd get past. Have you ever felt happy but then something comes along and makes you even happier?

I cannot tell you how many times I've had things happen to me that have made me happy but then something else comes along and makes me even happier than I was before. One of my favorite times this happens is when I'm out getting new content. This happens a lot when I am able to go do my character interviews. I'll be honest, usually the first interview of the day is what sets the tone for the ones that follow, especially when I haven't done them in a while or I'll interview a new character. I'll end up happy with the first one then with each one that follows, they get better and better and I can't wait to post them. It's also why I made the rookie mistake of not editing them and posting them raw, because I was so happy with them for the first couple years. Lately, I've been studying several YouTubers and how they do their videos and editing (Here's looking at you TheTimTracker, Brian Hull, and the Hayes Family Vlog). The way theirs are is quite the inspiration. Also the 3 YouTube channels I just mentioned are the top 3 I'll watch constantly and don't ever miss their content. They always put a smile on my face no matter how down I may be, so I highly recommend their channels. They're very kid-friendly and always positive! Plus they all have Disney in some form on their channels, which is a major plus to boot! YouTube goals, just saying!

As happy and at peace as working on my blog and channel make me, work calls. So until next time, always do what makes you truly happy and Keep Cooking with Character!

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