Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 117: Best of Friends

When you're the best of friends,
Having so much fun together,
You're not even aware you're such a funny pair,
You're the best of friends.
Life's a happy game,
You can clown around forever.
Neither one of you sees your natural boundaries,
Life's one happy game.
If only the world wouldn't get in the way,
If only people would just let you play,
They say you're both being fools,
You're breaking all the rules.
They can't understand,
The magic of your wonderland.
When you're the best of friends,
Sharing all that you discover,
When these moments have past,
We'll let friendship last,
Who can say, there's a way!
Oh I hope...
I hope it never ends.
'Cause you're the best of friends...

Best of Friends is one of my favorites Disney songs. It's has such sweet simple lyrics and message. In nature, foxes and dogs are not "best friends". The dogs usually hunt the foxes, normally under a human's orders. Todd and Copper met when they were both pups, before Copper's training to hunt other animals became more intense. Their childhood innocence and friendship broke many rules. Copper was supposed to stay on Amos's farm until Amos wanted him to train, but didn't. Todd was supposed to stay on Wido Tweed's farm to keep him safe. Yet the two find neutral ground and sneak off to hang out together and play games. When they are together, they are really happy, but apart not so much. 
As the song says there's magic in their wonderland. There's something special when you gain a friend who loves you that unconditionally, even if you look diffrent or do things diffrently. Sometimes it's best to let two people (or critters) be alone if they are showing each other true friendship and one is not hurting the other in anyway. It's great to have a true friend you can share everything with and go to for everything no matter how bad it may be. The best friendships can weather any  storm life throws at them. Those kinds are  the ones you never want to end. Yet some friendships are only meant for a season in a person (or critter)'s life. It's up to each of us to figure out if it's a friendship that will never end or if it will eventually end like most things do. 
Speaking of ending, that wraps up this post. So until next time, always remember that the best of friendships can come from anywhere and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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