Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 118: War isn't a game. People get hurt.-- Dallben

War isn't a game. People get hurt.-- Dallben, The Black Cauldron

This truthful quotes comes to us when Taran, Dallben's Apprentice, gets excited about the war that is happening between Prydain and The Horned King. Dallben makes this observation and tries to convince Taran that's it's not a good idea to go off to war because he may get hurt.

Have you ever known someone who has gone off to war? Perhaps it was a family member or maybe a friend. I myself have friends and family that did dating back to WW2 that I know of. Some did it out of patriotic duty and others for the benefits, insurance/job security, and various reasons. Some got as excited as Taran, others not so excited.

Dallben wasn't wrong when he said this quote, even though there's some basic elements of a game to war (namely the strategy side). He was right that people do get hurt during war. We see it all the time in movies and on the news. Yet one thing we don't see is the wounds they sustain of the spirit and soul. Those wounds are the slowest to heal, if ever. While I cannot speak from first hand experiance, I've seen what it does to others who have seen war. It changes you in ways that you can't describe easily. It can take a fun loving person and turn them into a mere shell of themselves. It can also make a person more grateful to live where they are. Though one country or kingdom may decree they are the winners of the war, there are no true winners, because people get hurt. People hurting people is never a good thing.

I will admit I had a hard time trying to figure out how to take this quote. It's a good one and one that makes you really think about things and about how war hurts others. So it will be a short post.

So, until next time, Keep Cooking with Character.

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