Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 120: Gurgi come back to be your friend.-- Gurgi

Gurgi come back to be your friend.-- Gurgi, The Black Cauldron

This comes to us later in the movie when Taran is about to go after Hen Wen, who has been taken into The Horned King's castle. Gurgi tries to convince Taran he doesn't need Hen Wen (not understanding her true purpose and powers) and needs him as a friend more, despite his shortcomings.

Have you ever had someone leave when they got scared but then come back to be a friend? Have you ever had someone that said they would be your friend and stay? This cute quote is also a powerful one because it marks the first time that's Taran, Dallben's apprentice and assistant Pig keeper, had a friend and someone he could talk to that was not a wizard or a pig. At least, that's what the movie suggests through the dialogue. Ihave yet to read "The Chronicales of Prydain", which this movie is based on, to know if he actually had other human freinds at this point in the movie.

Everyone needs a friend, especially one they can go to for anything and just let down their defenses. Everyone also needs a friend that will come through for them in a pinch, not just in the sense to talk about what's going on (which is great and all) but if there was some form of trouble. Let's say you were driving and you got a flat tire/ran out of gas/car troubles that stranded you somewhere. You would then need a friend to come and help you by either putting a new tire on your car, getting you gas, or what not. Everyone also deserves that friend that will give you a place to stay, even if it's just overnight. The rarest and truest friends expect nothing in return just friendship and while they do not state it they hope their friends will treat them in the same manner, even though this is not always the case. Sadly, people will sometimes say they were are your friend but when you need them the most they're not there, which is unfortunate. It's not easy when this happens. Believe you me I know first hand.
Even though Gurgi and Taran's friendship got off on the wrong foot with Gurgi trying to steal Taran's lunch, they ended up becoming true friends but it wasn't until several obstacles where it was really cemented. Along the journey to save and protect Hen Wen, Taran and Gurgi befreind two humans, Princess Eilonwy and the bard with a truth-telling lyre Flewdurr Fflamm, and several members of The Fairy Folk and their King Eidilleg. Over the course of time and trials, the 3 humans and Gurgi become the truest of friends, despite thier very diffrent backgrounds.

Hopefully you have many friends, especially the truest kind. Yet all it takes is to have one true friend to make a difference and that difference can be the world to someone.

So until next time always remember to be the truest friend you can be and Keep Cooking with Character!

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