Thursday, April 4, 2019

Day 87: You did quite well for a beginner.-- Abigail Gabble

You did quite well for a beginner.-- Abigail Gabble, The AristoCats

After O'Malley is forced to swim to shore on his own, Abigail gives him this round of encouragement that everyone has heard at least once in their lifetimes.

Everyone is a beginner, no matter what their age. They also need to hear this so they are less likely to give up something before giving it a true chance to see if it's a passion they didn't know they had or if it's something they truly do not want to persue, like O'Malley and swimming.

What is the most favorite thing you've learned how to do that you were once a beginner at? What was your least favorite thing? Do you think if someone had encouraged you the first time you had tried something would you have been more likely to continue and give it another shot or would you still have given up even if you did well? Would you be willing to give it a second or third shot to be sure?

No matter how old you become, you'll always be learning something new. For example, a toddler learns how to pick up after themselves or share and keeps at it til they become good at sharing or picking up (even though later in life they may not pick up as neatly or share as often as they should). Another good example would be having someone who did not grow up with computers or most of the modern technology that is out there. For those who grew up with computers or modern technology, it is easy for them because they learned from an early age (say from toddlerhood). Those who didn't could have a hard time learning the basics of it for whatever reason. That's when a lot of patience is needed to correct them and show them how it works and keep showing them until they get it right.

Now I know some folks don't want to have a thing to do with technology and that's ok too. I also fully understand because I grew up having-yet-not-having it (and sometimes miss those pre-tech childhood days!). We didn't have a family computer and Internet in our house until I was 11 and my own laptop and cellphone until I was 18 because technology wasn't as advanced or as cheap as it is today where every child in a school can get a laptop if their school has the funds. What can I say but the joys of being a kid growing up in the 90s growing up outside and alongside technology! Not to mention the stories I could tell!!!

Whatever you decide to start or learn you're beginning a new chapter in your life, no matter how small it may seem. I know you'll do well and your beginner status will soon change. You've got this because there will always be someone who doesn't know what you've fully learned.

So until next time, always remember to do your best, even if you're just beginning something new, and Keep Cooking with Character!

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