Friday, May 8, 2020

Day 127: All in good time.-- Basil

All in good time.-- Basil, The Great Mouse Detective

This little tasty morsel comes to us when Olivia is trying to get Basil's attention to her plight as he's trying to uncover the secret of a killer he had been on the trail of for many months.

Have you ever had someone tell this to you? Perhaps you've told it to someone who was being a bit impatient with you or a situation. I myself have been told this or a variation on more than one occasion. It does not always work to quell my impatience, especially when I want to do something and can't.

There's two other sayings that is along these same lines. "Good things come to ye who wait" and "Patience is a virtue". Sometimes we may want to do things or have certain things come to us, but we are forced to wait until it is time. For example, I have a lot of ideas for my blog and YouTube channel but cannot do them until I gain enough Patreon Patrons at the right level because of how I have them set up. It is taking a lot longer than I want, but I know it will be worth it when I get to do it because I've been patiently waiting for that day to happen. There are other things in my life I'd love to have happen, like getting married and having a family, but again I have to have other things in place before that can happen. Is there something really good you'd love to have happen in your life that you just cannot wait to have happen?

Looking back, when I had originally picked this quote, I had originally picked it to give myself hope that things will get better and it would not last forever because I was not in the best of situations. Little did I know that when I finally got to posting my thoughts on this particular one, there would be a virus that spread faster than a wildfire during the dry season on the prairie and Walt Disney World (and its global counterparts) would be closed for well over 2 months with no confirmed re-opening date. I'm not going to lie. I've had my worries with it, what with all its unusual-yet-usual symptoms and the fact that my own job has been put on hold until further notice, among other things. As tempting as it was to change this quote, I decided not to because for as small a quote as it is, just 4 simple words, they make such a big impact. I know we all want our lives to be back to normal as soon as possible, or as normal as life will allow us because of the lessons we've learned while we're all apart and trying to keep everyone as safe and as healthy as possible. I don't know which I'm looking forward to more: going to work or going to Disney again. Yet I know it will happen "all in good time" and when it is supposed to happen.

So until next time, stay safe, stay healthy, always remember everything happens for a reason, and Keep Cooking with Character!

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