Friday, May 15, 2020

Day 134: Nah, I ain't lost my sense of humor!-- Roscoe

Nah, I ain't lost my sense of humor!-- Roscoe, Oliver and Company

This quote comes to us when Dodger asks Roscoe if he's lost his sense of humor after Francis insults his intelligence. Once Roscoe says this quote he shows it by kicking in the TV at Fagin's place, destroying Francis's chance to finish watching his play, then says that was funny to him.

Have you ever had someone question your sense of humor? Though a villain, Roscoe's quote is rather fitting. I've never had anyone ask me if I've lost my sense of humor. They have questioned my style because my humor goes from very innocent and child-like to pretty adult-like. I don't always have control of which version of my humor comes out, but it's there. The day or time that I'm not laughing is a day people should worry because I love to laugh and can find the humor in almost anything.

They are not kidding when they say laughter is the best medicine. There's just something about laughing and finding the humor in situations that helps the soul. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to use laughter to work my way through pain. There was one time I slipped and fell at a gas station. We're talking sprained my left ankle, skinned my palms a little and fully skinned my right knee at the same time. Obviously I let out a rather adult "Oh shiznit" when my foot decided to slip off a 2 inch drop in the pavement and my ankle twisted as my right knee and both my hands connected with the pavement. All I could do was just laugh to keep my breathing normal. Here I was didn't even get the chance to eat my chili-cheese dog or pump my gas and I was kissing the pavement. I was more madder than a wet hen I couldn't eat that chili-cheese dog than I was of the uneven pavement I tripped over! Luckily I had my ace wrap in my purse and the station manager when he came out was so apologetic of the whole thing. His reaction to my having an ace wrap in my purse was priceless because it's something not a lot of women carry. He also got my some water to clean up my knee and his not-fully-stocked first aid kit. Luckily my knee wasn't scraped deep enough I needed stitches, but it did cover my entire knee top to bottom. So I looked rather funny going to get the bigger bandaides from Walmart, because my own first aid kit was out and it was too large for my liquid bandaid I always carry. I could have chosen to get mad and frustrated or cried or cussed out the station manager, but didn't. I went with the best medicine I knew of at the time which was laugh. It not only helped diffuse the situation but it also helped me feel better and took my mind off the pain that didn't register until the next day. Yep I'm just that talented. It was one of those funny yet serious moments because one minute I was standing and opening my car door and the next I was dating gravity and kissing the pavement. This was obviously not one of my finer moments, but one of my more hilarious ones.  Have you ever had a moment like this where you couldn't get frustrated and only laugh?

So until next time, keep your humor and Keep Cooking with Character!

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