Saturday, May 16, 2020

Day 135: We gotta clean you up, child, and give you some on-the-job training-- Rita

We gotta clean you up, child, and give you some on-the-job training-- Rita, Oliver and Company

This gem comes to us when Rita realizes that Oliver isn't nearly as street-smart as her and the rest of her friends. It's also the last line before the song "Streets of Gold".

Have you ever had someone tell you you needed some on-the-job training? I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever gotten a job has received training before they were let go into the wilds of their job. What has been some of your favorite things you've done while you were in your training period? Have you ever had to train someone to do a new job?
  I have been both trainer and trainee. I love being both. I love being able to teach those with what knowledge I have and yet I also love to be taught something new. There's always something new to learn. Each new day is a day to learn, even when you may not think it's possible. 

So until next time, Keep Cooking with Character!

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