Sunday, January 3, 2021

Day 3: What do you do when things go wrong?-- Snow White


What do you do when things go wrong?-- Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

This curious quote comes to us the morning after Snow White collapses in a forest clearing after running for her life. A bunch of forest animals come to see if she's friend or foe and she asks them this important question. 

What do you do when things go wrong? Do you laugh it off or break down and cry? Do you start to sing a song or just scream? Do you grab a pen and just start writing or do you grab a video game controller and take your frustrations out on the NPCs (non-playable characters)? Do you address it right then or do you wait to address it when you're in a calmer mood or in your safe place? 

When things go wrong, there's really no one way to do things to make it back right again. What works for you to get out of a situation or to fix things may not work for another and that is ok. Everyone is diffrent and that goes for how they handle situations when things go wrong. Some look for guidence from a friend, others just plow ahead and hope things will get better quickly. Sometimes, one will figure out what's wrong quickly, others it may take a while. That's ok too. 

The hardest part when things go wrong is asking for help. Yet sometimes that's the best things to do for you never know just how much that helper will help you. The help could be something as simple as needing to talk to someone. It could be something that could take more than one person to help, like moving, or it could take financial help. However you need help, don't be afraid to ask. You never know who will be willing to help or who can help you out when things go wrong by staying silent. 

So until next time, Keep Cooking with Character!

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