Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 2: "Put your faith in what you most believe in." -- Tarzan

"Put your faith in what you most believe in." --"Two Worlds", Tarzan

Day 2's quote comes from the opening number to Disney's 1999 film, Tarzan. The song "Two Worlds" is very emotional and emotionally animated, but that is for another post. The lyric "Put your faith in what you most believe in." is a good reminder that no matter what we're doing, we need to have faith in it. Faith in this lyric is a whole lot like trust, both take blind jumps into the unknown and hope for the best outcome.
 I am constantly reminded of this lyric, especially during times of doubt and when I fall into the dangerous thinking of having faith it will work out but not believing it til I see it. It's dangerous in the sense that since your feelings are divided and not on the same wavelength, you could end up being disappointed by what you had faith in work out. The more you have faith and believe something good will work out chances are that good will happen too, especially if you are willing to put in the hard work to see it through.
A good example of this lyric right now is quite honestly my blog. I've put a lot of hard work in it and I believe in it and believe it will one day be successful enough so I may focus on blogging full-time and I have faith it will happen. Do I know for certain it will happen, not one bit, but I would love to see it happen and believe it will if I keep working on it and polishing it to be the best little blog it can be. While looking at the past and present at the same time, I am looking ahead and planning a lot of great things I hope to see come true. I do have a handful who think it won't be as successful as I know it can (will) be and they don't have much faith in it because it is still in the beginning or appetizer stage if you will and not impressive to look at. Yet I know where I'm going and what I've got planned, which trust me is going to be some great stuff when I get the appliances and equipment I need! The hope, faith, belief and knowledge I have for my blog makes it so much easier to not listen to the naysayers.
Never forget to "Put your faith in what you most believe in" and Keep Cooking with Character!

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