Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 3: "It's a good day to try." --Quasimodo

"It's a good day to try." --Quasimodo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Day 3's quote from the 1996 film "Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame" really fits every day. In the film, Quasimodo is trying to coax a small baby bird into flying for the first time. It's such a sweet (short) scene!
Every day is a good day to try something new. Even if you're afraid of failing or falling, you've not failed if you've at least tried it once. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get things right, but you've not failed because you tried. Sometimes you try things that just won't work (think like the well-known square peg into a round hole saying). In those cases just take your problem and find a new solution (like turning the square peg into a round one or widen the round hole). Even if something still doesn't work (say two people in a relationship), you aren't failing when you say it just won't work no matter how hard we've tried. In a case like this, it's not failing because it's not working. It's you did your best and it still work so it's best to part ways and move on. As long as you put your best foot forward and do your best you'll never fail. You may find things won't work but you'll never fail because you tried.
On the flip side, you may try something and find you may like it, like a new food or create a new friendship. You may also find out that you can do things you never knew you could do before too! All it takes is for you to decide when you are ready to try!
Keep trying your best and Keep Cooking with Character!

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