Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 111: You're gonna need some caring for.-- Big Mama

You're gonna need some caring for.-- Big Mama, The Fox and The Hound

This sweet sentiment comes to us when Big Mama, a wise old owl, finds a little baby fox in the grass. She tells him this quote when he sees he's become an orphan because a hunter killed his mother.

Everyone needs to be cared for. From the smallest of small to the biggest of big. Man, animal and even plants need to be shown caring. The best way I can think of to explain this quote is in terms of a plant. All humans and animals are like plants, as strange as it may seem. If a plant does not get water or is not planted in a big enough of a pot to grow in, the plant withers away and sadly dies. Likewise, if a human or animal isn't given a loving home or a safe place to live, or given access to the basic nessesities of food, water and shelter, they wither away and sadly die much sooner than they were supposed to. As dark as that may sound it's the sad truth. Yet if humans and animals are given a loving home, a safe place to live and access to good food and water ontop of the shelter, they live a lot longer and even start to thrive.

Caring takes on many forms beyond giving someone/some animal food, water and shelter. Showing you care can be as simple as just being there and letting a friend tell their darkest secrets to you and you just listening. It could be helping your little brother/sister get dressed in the morning, or fixing your family dinner. You could even leave out birdseed for your backyard birds to show that you want to make sure they are well fed. You could also just send a text or a card saying you're thinking about someone or take it one step farther and bring them lunch, if that is an option for them. You could show you care for your things by taking a light touch with them, for instance a computer or a touchscreen phone or tablet. You could also show by not getting your things dirty or cleaning them if you do. There are many ways to show you care about someone or something. You just have to choose to do it.

So until next time, always show you care and Keep Cooking with Character!

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