Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day 94: Be a stout-hearted lad. Don't let it get you down.-- Robin Hood

Be a stout-hearted lad. Don't let it get you down.-- Robin Hood, Robin Hood

This yummy gem comes to us when Robin Hood tries his hardest to cheer up the young Skippy Rabbit after The Sheriff of Nottingham stole the farthing Skippy just got from his poor family for his birthday present. The Sheriff told him it was for Prince John (taxes).

Have you ever gone through a situation that left you really sad or had someone take something from you like Skippy did that you had looked forward to getting?  What did you do or say? I bet it made you extremely sad and you may have cried a little. That is ok. It also could have made you so angry you may have had a fight because of how disappointed you were. Did you stay sad or mad for long or did you choose not to let it get you down as Robin Hood suggested to Skippy?  

 Whatever it is that is getting you down, do your best to choose to not let it get you down and look for the silver lining in the situation. I know it is always hard to look for the best in any situation or to find a way out of it, but there is always a silver lining. The biggest one is that you are alive and can still make the choice to find a way to leave or get something even better, like a newer car or a better job. Whatever choice you make is yours alone.  Once you choose to make that change, make sure you stick with it to the end. If you're choosing to change your situation,  keep going through with it. I know it will be hard to change, even small changes for the better are scary sometimes, especially when you've known darkness for so long. Look at it as a journey to the best life you'll ever have. Perhaps you've got your eye on a big purchase (like your dream home) or upgrading something (say to a new computer or new phone). Each dime or penny you save is one step closer to being able to buy that new thing to give you a slightly better quality of life. 

I know there are countless websites and blogs that are all about how to be positive and all the good stuff, including diffrent coping mechanisms. Yet I find one that works is not always listed. It may seem silly but you could take a page out of Pollyanna's book and play "The Glad Game". It's basically when you're in a situation or you get a disappointing present you look for something to be glad about in it (such as being alive or getting a gift) then you find 2 more things to be glad about it (like having a roof over your head or it being somehting you need) then find 1 more thing to be glad about with it (there is a better life out there or it's your favorite color). Then just keep doing that until you get the courage to leave or become glad and grateful with whatever it was you've been given. I know it's hard as can be to continually play "The Glad Game" when life gets you down. That's ok. It gets easier the more you play it. I was first introduced to this game, not by the book Pollyanna, but by Walt DIsney's film Pollyanna that starred a young Haley Mills as the optomistic girl. It's one of those feel-good (some say sappy) movies with an unexpected twist towards the end. It's up to you if you choose to use it. Let's use my blog for example. I am extremely mad and frustrated to no end that I cannot add better content to my YouTube channel or make some of my other plans come to life and I am having trouble shooting one video I need due to limited funds and time. The 3 things I'm glad about this whole thing are: being able to plan what I am going to do for future videos, having my DisneyQuotes365 project to catch up and continue, and having the chance to go outside and blog while listening to my beauitful Cardinal friend who likes to chirp while I type. Sure I can't do everything I want, but that will come in time. I have big plans that will be coming in the future.  It doesn't take away how sad I am that I can't bring more content, but it gives me hope for the future and it will be better than I have planned. 

So whatever you're dealing with, keep your chin up because it won't last forever, and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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