Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day 93: You'd better sit down and rest.-- Friar Tuck

You'd better sit down and rest.-- Friar Tuck, Robin Hood

This comes to us when The Sheriff of Nottingham tries to take all the money Otto, the blacksmith, has and Friar Tuck has Otto sit down because he's in a cast with a broken leg.

Have you ever said this to someone who may be overworked or perhaps they had gotten hurt like Otto was? Has someone ever said it to you? Were you overworked or perhaps injured in some way? Did they have a seat and rest? Did you?

This is a classic quote that gets said more than it should because of today's fast-paced world. People are overworked and don't always get the time to rest. I myself know all too well about that (and being such a klutz too). Just having a rest, even just sitting down and taking a breather, does so much good for someone. It gives you a chance to slow down and think about your next move. Perhaps you'll fall asleep which your body needs and most adults don't get enough of. I am a full believer in the power of resting and sleeping, espeically when you're overwhelmed or injured in some way. I could go on and on about the wonderful benefits of resting. I will admit when I'm overwhelmed to tears I'll take a nap then revisit whatever it is that's bothering me because then my brain can start to process it better sometimes. There have been sometimes where it doesn't work because when I go back to revisit that stressful thing it will re-stress me out and I have to find a diffrent way to fix the situation or find a way out of it so I'm not stressed beyond all reason. When it works it's great, when it doesn't it doesn't. Have you ever tried to sleep on something then wake up and re-visit that? Did it work for you? I hope so!

So until next time, remember to sit down and rest from time to time and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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