Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day 92: Now. Don't get your dander up!-- Trigger

Now. Don't get your dander up!-- Trigger, Robin Hood

This rather hilarious quote comes to us just after Robin Hood drops off a large load of gold coins to Friar Tuck and the critters of Sherwood Forest and The Sheriff doesn't know about it just yet.

Have you ever said this? Perhaps you've had someone tell you this when you've gotten a little hot under the collar. Shoot, I've used this quote so many times over the years, especially when I see someone getting a bit hot under the collar that shouldn't need to be. I was actually unaware this quote was in a Disney film because I've only seen Robin Hood a couple of times, not nearly as much as I have some of the others. It's a good movie and definitly underrated! Yet this quote is one I say often. It's one of those old-fashioned phrases that has so much meaning because of the word "dander".

For those that don't know or understand this phrase, the best way I can explain it is that when you "get your dander up" it means you're getting mad at something. There's a lot of things that people get their dander up but don't need to. If it makes you madder than a wet hen, you're getting your dander up and need to take a step back and breathe to get recentered and reevaluate how you're reacting to the situation you're in or what you just saw.

So until next time, remember to keep your temper and Keep Cooking with Character!

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