Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day 91: I was only trying to help.-- Sir Hiss

I was only trying to help.-- Sir Hiss, Robin Hood

This comes to us when Sir Hiss, Prince John's right hand snake, tries to use his powers of hypnosis to convince Prince John to stop sucking his thumb after he was bested by Robin Hood yet again.

Normally I don't do a villian or a villian sidekick quote, but this one gets an honorable mention because it is one we use every day, especially when you're trying to help someone. In the tone Sir Hiss uses, he's really sorry for trying to help Prince John. Have you ever helped someone that did not want your help or was not grateful for your help? Did you say this quote after helping and they gave you such a nasty attitude. Perhaps they wanted your help but acted like they didn't. This is one quote I can think of several ways it could go, but it is also one I feel we should not need to say because everyone needs help from time to time.

Asking for help and giving help are sometimes the most difficult things to both ask and do. We've sadly become a society that says "oh hey we'll help you when you need it" but when time comes to actully do it, they don't or they'll help you but only on their terms. This creates a problem because those that genuinely want to ask for help or need to ask for help don't because they are so afraid that no one will rise to the challenge. Those who ask for help are swallowing a lot of pride and ego to ask for it. Therefore hopefully they will get what they've asked for. It's never easy to ask for it. Likewise it is extremely hard to give it sometimes, because the helper doesn't always know how they will be recieved. It could be badly as Prince John did to Sir Hiss, or it could be met with much fanfare of thanks, yet it also could be met with silence because the one being helped doesn't know quite what to say. Either way we shouldn't be as afraid to help as we can. Hopefully, society will once again not be afraid to help another as it has been in the past.

So until next time, always try to help someone with the hope for the best outcome (a smile and thank you) and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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