Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Day 124: What I mean is that I'm grateful. For all of you. You've been true friends.-- Taran

What I mean is that I'm grateful. For all of you. You've been true friends.-- Taran, The Black Cauldron

After hearing Princess Eilonwy's kind words (see yesterday's quote), he comes to this realization and lets them all know how he feels about them, before they continue on their dangerous journey.

Normally there would be a song for Saturday, however there's not one this week because no songs were sung or were overlayed in this particular film. Also, this quote was too good to not post as it is true and a continuation of yesterday's quote and scene.

Do you have any true friends? They're those rare kinds of friends you can tell anything to, no matter how dark of a place you're in, and they have a way of cheering you up when you're down. Not to mention they have a way of just being there when you need them most and come to your rescue should you ever need it, giving you the shirt off their backs if you needed it. They also have a way of calling you out on things you need to change but most importantly they never lead you astray or lead you down the wrong path. They also will never lie to you either. Yet they also know that the decision to ultimately do something is up to you. They also don't require anything more than to treat them in the same regard. True friends are a wonderful thing to have aren't they?

I know some say people like this don't exist. Yet I know first hand that they do and I wouldn't trade them for the world! I hope you have at least one you can call a true friend, because everyone needs at least one! 

So until next time, always remember to be that one true friend someone can count on and Keep Cooking with Character!

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