Wednesday, May 22, 2019

It's update time again!

Hey guys!
I know it's been a while since I've posted, or worked on my DisneyQuotes365 project. Life's been giving me a couple curve balls this past month, but now I think I'm back on track and in the right direction I want to go and to take things. It's been a real struggle to make time to blog and get new content out and up. Not going to lie, in between moving closer to work and Disney, having car troubles and working full time, the first half of this month has been quite stressful to say the least. Unfortunately because of it, my blogging has had to take a backseat to things. Thankfully, things are starting to calm down to where I can go back to doing what makes me truly happy, which is blogging in my spare time. Also my new place has a steady wifi connection so it will make posting and blogging a lot easier!
I've got some new content for my channel that I am working on editing. Time will tell if I decide one video or two. What I will tell you about it is that I've not shot a video like this before and it deals with Disney Springs. I plan to have it posted by the end of the month. Sooner if the editing goes well. I still have a lot of ideas that I want to try and things I want to do when time and funds allow. So keep checking back either on here or on YouTube. If I don't post an update to one, I'll post an update to another. If you don't want to check either individually, there's always my Facebook Page which both cross-post to.
So that being said, I've got a lot of Quotes to catch up on and Keep Cooking with Character!

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