Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Updates Galore!!

Hey guys!
Things got a bit chaotic again behind the scenes. I'm still getting used to my new place and work's been rather fun, but hot! The heat here in Central Florida has been the draining kind of heat so I usually end up hitting the hay once I get in either after work or after getting new content. No matter who you are, a native or a transplant, this kind of heat is a killer if you're not careful! Even if you stay extremely hydrated like I try my best to, it'll still fry you like an egg on a sidewalk.  Speaking of new content, I have some new videos that will be going up on my YouTube channel within the next month. I also plan to get caught back up on my DisneyQuotes365 project. I know I'm way behind on it. It's just a matter of getting back into the posting rythym again!
So much to do and so little time!
Until next time, Keep Cooking with Character!

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