Friday, September 6, 2019

Updates Galore

Hi everyone!
I know it's been a long time since I've last posted. I have been juggling a lot of things behind the scenes. Working full-time and trying to blog is quite the challange, especially when you have a daily-post project in the wings. Not to mention throw in video editing and a major hurricane (which thankfully was only giving us tropical storm conditions here in Central FL) into the mix and it's frazzle-dazzle city!
For those wondering, I still have not forgotten about my DisneyQuotes365 project. As much as I want to continue it, in order to not keep you or myself confused, I'll be picking it up next year because I would have over 100 days to catch up on and it's close enough to the end of the year that I think it can wait until June of next year. This will also allow me to get the rest of the quotes as well. Now this may change and I may go on Quotestravaganza and flood your inboxes with quotes, but we shall see how it goes. I am determined to finish this project no matter how long it may take me, but no clear plan how to do it.
Here's the latest scoop on what I've got up and coming. I've got a couple videos I'll be posting to YouTube within the next month. I can't wait to post one of those yummy ones in particular. I've also got a lot of things planned as well, such as going to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and EPCOT's Food and Wine Festival. I've also been working on a cute little character for my mascot and something that I think is huge and will help me be able to bring even more content to you than I am now. That alone will be two posts when I finish this one. (Note to self that is your cue to do the posts now.)
So until next time Keep Cooking with Character!

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