Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 122: You mean we're trusting our lives to him?-- Fflewddur

You mean we're trusting our lives to him?-- Fflewddur Fflam, The Black Cauldron

This quote comes to us when King Eidilleg, king of The Fairy Folk, orders Doli, a grumpy fairy, to take the humans to Morva, where The Black Cauldron was hidden. Fflewddur sees Doli's unwillingness to go and makes this observation in disbelief.

Have you ever been paired up with someone you really didn't want to be paired up with? Perhaps it was for a grade in school or maybe it was for something at work. Maybe, like Taran and his friends, someone suggested (or ordered) someone to help guide you to your next location. How did it make you feel? How did they feel about things? 

Though Doli was extremely grumpy and didn't trust the humans at all, he did as King Eidilleg said and guided the humans to Morva. Once they were at Morva, he went back to The Fairy Realm, leaving the humans and Gurgi to their quest for The Black Cauldron. Fflewddur was extremely grateful, because all Doli did was complain and hold a grudge; something Fflewddur didn't like. Yet a surprising twist happens at the end of the film with Doli, but I'll not be spoiling it. The other humans, while they too didn't like Doli's grumpiness and constant complaining, were grateful for the help getting there. 

Perhaps you know someone like Doli, someone who's a good hard worker but always complains about anything and everything, never seeming like anything would bring a smile to their face. These kinds of people are hard to get along with. Yet, you almost can't do without them, because of their ability to get the job done and done right (most times). Now I won't lie, there are some folks who fall in the constantly complaining category, but they just don't want to do any work and want everything handed to them without working for it. These guys are beyond difficult to be around and get along with. Yet life dictates we should try our hardest to get along with them as well. There will come a time when you decide if you want to tolerate the complainers or leave them so you're not around their negativity. Time and your inner happiness will decide when you're not around them. Fflewddur wanted to be as far away from Doli as Doli wanted to be him. Time decided when they would part, and part they did. Hopefully that choice will be easy for you. 

So until next time, always trust life has a reason for meeting new people and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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