Thursday, May 21, 2020

Day 139: Someone to watch over her, to keep her out of trouble.-- King Triton

Someone to watch over her, to keep her out of trouble.-- King Triton, The Little Mermaid

This comes to us when King Triton and Sebastian are deep in a conversation about what to do with Ariel. Triton makes this observation about his headstrong daughter's needs.

Have you ever had someone say they're looking out for your best interests? Perhaps they didn't say it directly, but showed it in various ways.  Have you ever  had to keep someone safe?

When I re-read this quote my first thought was that King Triton was looking for a guardian angel for his daughter. Ariel does love to get into mischief but she doesn't go looking for it, unless you count that bum deal she made with Ursula, the sea-witch. That deal was just looking for trouble. Sebastian tries his best, but always seems to come up short.

Have you ever had a "close call" with anything? Have you ever come close to getting injured but weren't? Perhaps you've come close to being in a car crash but managed to somehow miss being hit. Have you ever heard a report of a car crash or something bad happening to someone else in an area that you were just at moments if not an hour before, such as being on your way to work and coming up on a crash that happened moments before you got there? Have you wondered how or what caused you to have those close calls and near-misses? I like to think it's the work of guardian angels keeping everyone safe.

Do you believe in guardian angels? I know I do. I'd be a fool not to believe in them because of all the times I've had close calls over the years. Don't ask me how I've managed to not need stitches or broken a bone or been in a major crash beyond flipping a 4 wheeler and being sideswiped with no damage. I chalk it up to my guardian angels keeping me safe. That's about the only way I can explain it. Guardian angels and sheer dumb luck.

So until next time, do your best to stay out of trouble and as always Keep Cooking with Character.

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